11-07-2013, 09:49 AM
(Modification du message : 11-07-2013, 09:57 AM par Sephi-Chan.)
Impeccable ! Je trouve cet algorithme bien plus propre que celui que j'avais produit (récursif). Je prends !
Pour info, voici le code de mon dispatcheur et de sa suite de tests unitaires. L'algorithme décrit est implémenté dans
Et la suite de tests, avec la participation bénévole des personnages du Cycle des Princes d'Ambre.
Merci Ter Rowan !
Pour info, voici le code de mon dispatcheur et de sa suite de tests unitaires. L'algorithme décrit est implémenté dans
# Dispatch ready game searches into games whenever it is possible.
class Dispatcher
attr_reader :communication_client
def initialize(game_searches, communication_client)
@game_searches = game_searches
@communication_client = communication_client
def dispatch!
Game.transaction do
dispatchable_game_searches_by_format.inject([]) do |games, (format, group_of_game_searches)|
group_of_game_searches.each do |game_searches|
game = Game.create!(format: format, status: Game::CREATED)
game_searches.each do |game_search|
team = game.teams.create!(game_search: game_search, status: Team::ALIVE, players: game_search.players)
game_search.update!(status: GameSearch:ISPATCHED, game: game)
team.players.each do |player|
communication_client.push(player, {
event: Queues::MatchMaker::GAME_SEARCH_SUCCEEDED,
players: team.players.map { |player| { id: player.id, name: player.name } },
game_search_id: team.game_search_id,
status: GameSearch::SUCCEEDED,
game_id: game.id
games << game
def game_searches_by_format
def dispatchable_game_searches_by_format
game_searches_by_format.inject({}) do |hash, (format, game_searches)|
groups = dispatchable_groups_for_format(format, game_searches)
hash[format] ||= groups if groups.any?
# For a given format, returns a list of game searches for each dispatchable game.
# Example: [ [ GameSearch A, GameSearch B ], [ GameSearch C, GameSearch D ] ]
def dispatchable_groups_for_format(format, game_searches)
dispatched_player_ids = []
selected_game_searches = []
groups = []
game_searches.each do |game_search|
if (game_search.player_ids & dispatched_player_ids).empty?
selected_game_searches << game_search
if format.teams_count == selected_game_searches.size
groups << selected_game_searches
selected_game_searches = []
Et la suite de tests, avec la participation bénévole des personnages du Cycle des Princes d'Ambre.
require 'spec_helper'
describe Dispatcher do
let(:communication_client) { stub }
let(:format_2_3) { FactoryGirl.build(:format, teams_count: 2, teams_size: 3) }
let(:corwin) { FactoryGirl.create(:player, name: 'Corwin') }
let(:mandor) { FactoryGirl.create(:player, name: 'Mandor') }
let(:caine) { FactoryGirl.create(:player, name: 'Caine') }
let(:corwin_invitation) { FactoryGirl.build(:invitation, :accepted, player: corwin) }
let(:mandor_invitation) { FactoryGirl.build(:invitation, :accepted, player: mandor) }
let(:caine_invitation) { FactoryGirl.build(:invitation, :accepted, player: caine) }
let(:first_game_search) { FactoryGirl.create(:game_search, :ready, invitations: [ corwin_invitation, mandor_invitation, caine_invitation ], format: format_2_3) }
let(:brand) { FactoryGirl.create(:player, name: 'Brand') }
let(:bleys) { FactoryGirl.create(:player, name: 'Bleys') }
let(:julian) { FactoryGirl.create(:player, name: 'Julian') }
let(:brand_invitation) { FactoryGirl.build(:invitation, :accepted, player: brand) }
let(:bleys_invitation) { FactoryGirl.build(:invitation, :accepted, player: bleys) }
let(:julian_invitation) { FactoryGirl.build(:invitation, :accepted, player: julian) }
let(econd_game_search) { FactoryGirl.create(:game_search, :ready, invitations: [ brand_invitation, bleys_invitation, julian_invitation ], format: format_2_3) }
let(:fiona) { FactoryGirl.create(:player, name: 'Fiona') }
let(:deirdre) { FactoryGirl.create(:player, name: 'Deirdre') }
let(:flora) { FactoryGirl.create(:player, name: 'Flora') }
let(:fiona_invitation) { FactoryGirl.build(:invitation, :accepted, player: fiona) }
let(:deirdre_invitation) { FactoryGirl.build(:invitation, :accepted, player: deirdre) }
let(:flora_invitation) { FactoryGirl.build(:invitation, :accepted, player: flora) }
let(:third_game_search) { FactoryGirl.create(:game_search, :ready, invitations: [ fiona_invitation, deirdre_invitation, flora_invitation ], format: format_2_3) }
let(:random) { FactoryGirl.create(:player, name: 'Random') }
let(:gerard) { FactoryGirl.create(:player, name: 'Gerard') }
let(:dworkin) { FactoryGirl.create(:player, name: 'Dworkin') }
let(:random_invitation) { FactoryGirl.build(:invitation, :accepted, player: random) }
let(:gerard_invitation) { FactoryGirl.build(:invitation, :accepted, player: gerard) }
let(:dworkin_invitation) { FactoryGirl.build(:invitation, :accepted, player: dworkin) }
let(:fourth_game_search) { FactoryGirl.create(:game_search, :ready, invitations: [ random_invitation, gerard_invitation, dworkin_invitation ], format: format_2_3) }
it 'composes no game when there is only 1 ready team' do
games = Dispatcher.new([ first_game_search ], communication_client).dispatch!
games.should be_empty
it 'composes 1 game when 2 teams are ready for the same 2-teams format' do
common_keys = { event: Queues::MatchMaker::GAME_SEARCH_SUCCEEDED, status: GameSearch::SUCCEEDED, game_id: anything }
expected_hash_1 = hash_including(common_keys.merge(game_search_id: first_game_search.id, players: [ { id: corwin.id, name: corwin.name }, { id: mandor.id, name: mandor.name }, { id: caine.id, name: caine.name } ]))
communication_client.should_receive(:push).with(corwin, expected_hash_1)
communication_client.should_receive(:push).with(mandor, expected_hash_1)
communication_client.should_receive(:push).with(caine, expected_hash_1)
expected_hash_2 = hash_including(common_keys.merge(game_search_id: second_game_search.id, players: [ { id: brand.id, name: brand.name }, { id: bleys.id, name: bleys.name }, { id: julian.id, name: julian.name } ]))
communication_client.should_receive(:push).with(brand, expected_hash_2)
communication_client.should_receive(:push).with(bleys, expected_hash_2)
communication_client.should_receive(:push).with(julian, expected_hash_2)
game_searches = [ first_game_search, second_game_search ]
games = Dispatcher.new(game_searches, communication_client).dispatch!
games[0].teams[0].players.should == [ corwin, mandor, caine ]
games[0].teams[1].players.should == [ brand, bleys, julian ]
it 'compose 2 games when 4 teams are ready for the same 2-teams format' do
common_keys = { event: Queues::MatchMaker::GAME_SEARCH_SUCCEEDED, status: GameSearch::SUCCEEDED, game_id: anything }
expected_hash_1 = hash_including(common_keys.merge(game_search_id: first_game_search.id, players: [ { id: corwin.id, name: corwin.name }, { id: mandor.id, name: mandor.name }, { id: caine.id, name: caine.name } ]))
communication_client.should_receive(:push).with(corwin, expected_hash_1)
communication_client.should_receive(:push).with(mandor, expected_hash_1)
communication_client.should_receive(:push).with(caine, expected_hash_1)
expected_hash_2 = hash_including(common_keys.merge(game_search_id: second_game_search.id, players: [ { id: brand.id, name: brand.name }, { id: bleys.id, name: bleys.name }, { id: julian.id, name: julian.name } ]))
communication_client.should_receive(:push).with(brand, expected_hash_2)
communication_client.should_receive(:push).with(bleys, expected_hash_2)
communication_client.should_receive(:push).with(julian, expected_hash_2)
expected_hash_3 = hash_including(common_keys.merge(game_search_id: third_game_search.id, players: [ { id: fiona.id, name: fiona.name }, { id: deirdre.id, name: deirdre.name }, { id: flora.id, name: flora.name } ]))
communication_client.should_receive(:push).with(fiona, expected_hash_3)
communication_client.should_receive(:push).with(deirdre, expected_hash_3)
communication_client.should_receive(:push).with(flora, expected_hash_3)
expected_hash_4 = hash_including(common_keys.merge(game_search_id: fourth_game_search.id, players: [ { id: random.id, name: random.name }, { id: gerard.id, name: gerard.name }, { id: dworkin.id, name: dworkin.name } ]))
communication_client.should_receive(:push).with(random, expected_hash_4)
communication_client.should_receive(:push).with(gerard, expected_hash_4)
communication_client.should_receive(:push).with(dworkin, expected_hash_4)
game_searches = [ first_game_search, second_game_search, third_game_search, fourth_game_search ]
games = Dispatcher.new(game_searches, communication_client).dispatch!
games[0].teams[0].players.should == [ corwin, mandor, caine ]
games[0].teams[1].players.should == [ brand, bleys, julian ]
games[1].teams[0].players.should == [ fiona, deirdre, flora ]
games[1].teams[1].players.should == [ random, gerard, dworkin ]
it 'compose 1 games when 3 teams are ready for the same 2-teams format' do
common_keys = { event: Queues::MatchMaker::GAME_SEARCH_SUCCEEDED, status: GameSearch::SUCCEEDED, game_id: anything }
expected_hash_1 = hash_including(common_keys.merge(game_search_id: first_game_search.id, players: [ { id: corwin.id, name: corwin.name }, { id: mandor.id, name: mandor.name }, { id: caine.id, name: caine.name } ]))
communication_client.should_receive(:push).with(corwin, expected_hash_1)
communication_client.should_receive(:push).with(mandor, expected_hash_1)
communication_client.should_receive(:push).with(caine, expected_hash_1)
expected_hash_2 = hash_including(common_keys.merge(game_search_id: second_game_search.id, players: [ { id: brand.id, name: brand.name }, { id: bleys.id, name: bleys.name }, { id: julian.id, name: julian.name } ]))
communication_client.should_receive(:push).with(brand, expected_hash_2)
communication_client.should_receive(:push).with(bleys, expected_hash_2)
communication_client.should_receive(:push).with(julian, expected_hash_2)
game_searches = [ first_game_search, second_game_search, third_game_search ]
games = Dispatcher.new(game_searches, communication_client).dispatch!
games[0].teams[0].players.should == [ corwin, mandor, caine ]
games[0].teams[1].players.should == [ brand, bleys, julian ]
games[0].game_searches.should == [ first_game_search, second_game_search]
it 'composes no game since the 2 teams has players in common' do
corwin_invitation = FactoryGirl.build(:invitation, :accepted, player: corwin)
mandor_invitation = FactoryGirl.build(:invitation, :accepted, player: mandor)
caine_invitation = FactoryGirl.build(:invitation, :accepted, player: caine)
first_game_search = FactoryGirl.create(:game_search, :ready, invitations: [ corwin_invitation, mandor_invitation, caine_invitation ], format: format_2_3)
corwin_other_invitation = FactoryGirl.build(:invitation, :accepted, player: corwin)
bleys_invitation = FactoryGirl.build(:invitation, :accepted, player: bleys)
julian_invitation = FactoryGirl.build(:invitation, :accepted, player: julian)
second_game_search = FactoryGirl.create(:game_search, :ready, invitations: [ corwin_other_invitation, bleys_invitation, julian_invitation ], format: format_2_3)
game_searches = [ first_game_search, second_game_search ]
games = Dispatcher.new(game_searches, communication_client).dispatch!
games.should be_empty
it 'composes one game with searches 1 and 3 since team 2 has players in common with 1' do
corwin_invitation = FactoryGirl.build(:invitation, :accepted, player: corwin)
mandor_invitation = FactoryGirl.build(:invitation, :accepted, player: mandor)
caine_invitation = FactoryGirl.build(:invitation, :accepted, player: caine)
first_game_search = FactoryGirl.create(:game_search, :ready, invitations: [ corwin_invitation, mandor_invitation, caine_invitation ], format: format_2_3)
corwin_other_invitation = FactoryGirl.build(:invitation, :accepted, player: corwin)
bleys_invitation = FactoryGirl.build(:invitation, :accepted, player: bleys)
julian_invitation = FactoryGirl.build(:invitation, :accepted, player: julian)
second_game_search = FactoryGirl.create(:game_search, :ready, invitations: [ corwin_other_invitation, bleys_invitation, julian_invitation ], format: format_2_3)
fiona_invitation = FactoryGirl.build(:invitation, :accepted, player: fiona)
deirdre_invitation = FactoryGirl.build(:invitation, :accepted, player: deirdre)
flora_invitation = FactoryGirl.build(:invitation, :accepted, player: flora)
third_game_search = FactoryGirl.create(:game_search, :ready, invitations: [ fiona_invitation, deirdre_invitation, flora_invitation ], format: format_2_3)
game_searches = [ first_game_search, second_game_search, third_game_search ]
games = Dispatcher.new(game_searches, communication_client).dispatch!
games[0].teams[0].players.should == [ corwin, mandor, caine ]
games[0].teams[1].players.should == [ fiona, deirdre, flora ]
Merci Ter Rowan !