Création d'une carte pour mon jeux. - Ducky_Duck - 26-02-2013
Bonjour à tous,
Je bloque en ce moment pour la création d'une carte codée en php réunissant 255 carrés de ce style :
Ma carte actuelle est sous forme de liste et j'aurait aimer la mettre sous forme de carte comme ci-dessus.
Voici à quoi ressemble le code de ma page actuelle :
Code : <?php
if(!defined('INSIDE')){ die(header("location:../../"));}
include_once($xgp_root . 'includes/classes/class.GalaxyRows.' . $phpEx);
class ShowGalaxyPage extends GalaxyRows
private function InsertGalaxyScripts ($CurrentPlanet)
$Script = "<div style=\"top: 10px;\" id=\"content\">";
$Script .= "<script language=\"JavaScript\">\n";
$Script .= "function galaxy_submit(value) {\n";
$Script .= " document.getElementById('auto').name = value;\n";
$Script .= " document.getElementById('galaxy_form').submit();\n";
$Script .= "}\n\n";
$Script .= "function fenster(target_url,win_name) {\n";
$Script .= " var new_win =,win_name,'resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,menubar=no,toolbar=no,width=640,height=480,top=0,left=0');\n";
$Script .= " new_win.focus();\n";
$Script .= "}\n";
$Script .= "</script>\n";
$Script .= "<script language=\"JavaScript\" src=\"scripts/tw-sack.js\"></script>\n";
$Script .= "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n\n";
$Script .= "var ajax = new sack();\n";
$Script .= "var strInfo = \"\";\n";
$Script .= "function whenResponse () {\n";
$Script .= " retVals = this.response.split(\"|\");\n";
$Script .= " Message = retVals[0];\n";
$Script .= " Infos = retVals[1];\n";
$Script .= " retVals = Infos.split(\" \");\n";
$Script .= " UsedSlots = retVals[0];\n";
$Script .= " SpyProbes = retVals[1];\n";
$Script .= " Recyclers = retVals[2];\n";
$Script .= " Missiles = retVals[3];\n";
$Script .= " retVals = Message.split(\";\");\n";
$Script .= " CmdCode = retVals[0];\n";
$Script .= " strInfo = retVals[1];\n";
$Script .= " addToTable(\"done\", \"success\");\n";
$Script .= " changeSlots( UsedSlots );\n";
$Script .= " setShips(\"probes\", SpyProbes );\n";
$Script .= " setShips(\"recyclers\", Recyclers );\n";
$Script .= " setShips(\"missiles\", Missiles );\n";
$Script .= "}\n\n";
$Script .= "function doit (order, galaxy, system, planet, planettype, shipcount) {\n";
$Script .= " ajax.requestFile = \"FleetAjax.php?action=send\";\n";
$Script .= " ajax.runResponse = whenResponse;\n";
$Script .= " ajax.execute = true;\n\n";
$Script .= " ajax.setVar(\"thisgalaxy\", ". $CurrentPlanet["galaxy"] .");\n";
$Script .= " ajax.setVar(\"thissystem\", ". $CurrentPlanet["system"] .");\n";
$Script .= " ajax.setVar(\"thisplanet\", ". $CurrentPlanet["planet"] .");\n";
$Script .= " ajax.setVar(\"thisplanettype\", ". $CurrentPlanet["planet_type"] .");\n";
$Script .= " ajax.setVar(\"mission\", order);\n";
$Script .= " ajax.setVar(\"galaxy\", galaxy);\n";
$Script .= " ajax.setVar(\"system\", system);\n";
$Script .= " ajax.setVar(\"planet\", planet);\n";
$Script .= " ajax.setVar(\"planettype\", planettype);\n";
$Script .= " if (order == 6)\n";
$Script .= " ajax.setVar(\"ship210\", shipcount);\n";
$Script .= " if (order == 7) {\n";
$Script .= " ajax.setVar(\"ship208\", 1);\n\n";
$Script .= " ajax.setVar(\"ship203\", 2);\n\n";
$Script .= " }\n";
$Script .= " if (order == 8)\n";
$Script .= " ajax.setVar(\"ship209\", shipcount);\n\n";
$Script .= " ajax.runAJAX();\n";
$Script .= "}\n\n";
$Script .= "function addToTable(strDataResult, strClass) {\n";
$Script .= " var e = document.getElementById('fleetstatusrow');\n";
$Script .= " var e2 = document.getElementById('fleetstatustable');\n";
$Script .= " = '';\n";
$Script .= " if(e2.rows.length > 2) {\n";
$Script .= " e2.deleteRow(2);\n";
$Script .= " }\n";
$Script .= " var row = e2.insertRow(0);\n";
$Script .= " var td1 = document.createElement(\"td\");\n";
$Script .= " var td1text = document.createTextNode(strInfo);\n";
$Script .= " td1.appendChild(td1text);\n";
$Script .= " var td2 = document.createElement(\"td\");\n";
$Script .= " var span = document.createElement(\"span\");\n";
$Script .= " var spantext = document.createTextNode(strDataResult);\n";
$Script .= " var spanclass = document.createAttribute(\"class\");\n";
$Script .= " spanclass.nodeValue = strClass;\n";
$Script .= " span.setAttributeNode(spanclass);\n";
$Script .= " span.appendChild(spantext);\n";
$Script .= " td2.appendChild(span);\n";
$Script .= " row.appendChild(td1);\n";
$Script .= " row.appendChild(td2);\n";
$Script .= "}\n\n";
$Script .= "function changeSlots(slotsInUse) {\n";
$Script .= " var e = document.getElementById('slots');\n";
$Script .= " e.innerHTML = slotsInUse;\n";
$Script .= "}\n\n";
$Script .= "function setShips(ship, count) {\n";
$Script .= " var e = document.getElementById(ship);\n";
$Script .= " e.innerHTML = count;\n";
$Script .= "}\n";
$Script .= "</script>\n";
return $Script;
private function ShowGalaxyRows($Galaxy, $System, $HavePhalanx, $CurrentGalaxy, $CurrentSystem, $CurrentRC, $CurrentMIP)
global $planetcount, $dpath, $user, $xgp_root, $phpEx;
$UserPoints = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE `stat_type` = '1' AND `stat_code` = '1' AND `id_owner` = '". intval($user['id']) ."';", 'statpoints', true);
$Result = "";
for ($Planet = 1; $Planet < 1+(MAX_PLANET_IN_SYSTEM); $Planet++)
$GalaxyRow = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE `galaxy` = '".$Galaxy."' AND `system` = '".$System."' AND `planet` = '".$Planet."';", 'galaxy', true);
$Result .= "\n";
$Result .= "<tr>";
if ($GalaxyRow)
if ($GalaxyRow["id_planet"] != 0)
$GalaxyRowPlanet = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE `id` = '". $GalaxyRow["id_planet"] ."';", 'planets', true);
if ($GalaxyRowPlanet['destruyed'] != 0 && $GalaxyRowPlanet['id_owner'] != '' && $GalaxyRow["id_planet"] != '')
$this->CheckAbandonPlanetState ($GalaxyRowPlanet);
$GalaxyRowPlayer = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE `id` = '". $GalaxyRowPlanet["id_owner"] ."';", 'users', true);
if ($GalaxyRow["id_luna"] != 0)
$GalaxyRowMoon = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE `id` = '". $GalaxyRow["id_luna"] ."' AND planet_type='3';", 'planets', true);
if ($GalaxyRowMoon["destruyed"] != 0)
$this->CheckAbandonMoonState ($GalaxyRowMoon);
if ($GalaxyRowPlanet['id_owner'] <> 0)
$GalaxyRowUser = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE `id` = '". $GalaxyRowPlanet['id_owner'] ."';", 'users', true);
$GalaxyRowUser = array();
$Result .= $this->GalaxyRowPos ( $GalaxyRow, $Galaxy, $System, $Planet, 1 );
$Result .= $this->GalaxyRowPlanet ( $GalaxyRow, $GalaxyRowPlanet, $GalaxyRowPlayer, $Galaxy, $System, $Planet, 1, $HavePhalanx, $CurrentGalaxy, $CurrentSystem);
$Result .= $this->GalaxyRowPlanetName ( $GalaxyRow, $GalaxyRowPlanet, $GalaxyRowPlayer, $Galaxy, $System, $Planet, 1, $HavePhalanx, $CurrentGalaxy, $CurrentSystem);
$Result .= $this->GalaxyRowUser ( $GalaxyRow, $GalaxyRowPlanet, $GalaxyRowPlayer, $Galaxy, $System, $Planet, 0, $UserPoints );
$Result .= $this->GalaxyRowAlly ( $GalaxyRow, $GalaxyRowPlanet, $GalaxyRowPlayer, $Galaxy, $System, $Planet, 0 );
$Result .= $this->GalaxyRowActions ( $GalaxyRow, $GalaxyRowPlanet, $GalaxyRowPlayer, $Galaxy, $System, $Planet, 0, $CurrentGalaxy, $CurrentSystem, $CurrentMIP);
$Result .= "</tr>";
return $Result;
private function showNormal($CurrentUser, $CurrentPlanet)
global $xgp_root, $phpEx, $dpath, $resource, $lang, $planetcount;
$fleetmax = ($CurrentUser['computer_tech'] + 1) + ($CurrentUser['rpg_commandant'] * COMMANDANT);
$CurrentPlID = $CurrentPlanet['id'];
$CurrentMIP = $CurrentPlanet['interplanetary_misil'];
$CurrentRC = $CurrentPlanet['recycler'];
$CurrentSP = $CurrentPlanet['spy_sonde'];
$HavePhalanx = $CurrentPlanet['phalanx'];
$CurrentSystem = $CurrentPlanet['system'];
$CurrentGalaxy = $CurrentPlanet['galaxy'];
$CanDestroy = $CurrentPlanet[$resource[213]] + $CurrentPlanet[$resource[214]];
$maxfleet = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE `fleet_owner` = '". intval($CurrentUser['id']) ."';", 'fleets');
$maxfleet_count = mysql_num_rows($maxfleet);
if (!isset($mode))
if (isset($_GET['mode']))
$mode = intval($_GET['mode']);
$mode = 0;
if ($mode == 0)
$galaxy = $CurrentPlanet['galaxy'];
$system = $CurrentPlanet['system'];
$planet = $CurrentPlanet['planet'];
elseif ($mode == 1)
if (intval($_POST["galaxy"]))
$_POST["galaxy"] = ereg_replace("[^0-9]","",$_POST["galaxy"]);
$_POST["galaxy"] = 1;
if (intval($_POST["system"]))
$_POST["system"] = ereg_replace("[^0-9]","",$_POST["system"]);
$_POST["system"] = 1;
if ($_POST["galaxy"] > MAX_GALAXY_IN_WORLD)
if ($_POST["system"] > MAX_SYSTEM_IN_GALAXY)
if ($_POST["galaxyLeft"])
if ($_POST["galaxy"] < 1)
$_POST["galaxy"] = 1;
$galaxy = 1;
elseif ($_POST["galaxy"] == 1)
$_POST["galaxy"] = 1;
$galaxy = 1;
$galaxy = $_POST["galaxy"] - 1;
elseif ($_POST["galaxyRight"])
if ($_POST["galaxy"] > MAX_GALAXY_IN_WORLD OR $_POST["galaxyRight"] > MAX_GALAXY_IN_WORLD)
$_POST["galaxyRight"] = MAX_GALAXY_IN_WORLD;
elseif ($_POST["galaxy"] == MAX_GALAXY_IN_WORLD)
$galaxy = $_POST["galaxy"] + 1;
$galaxy = $_POST["galaxy"];
if ($_POST["systemLeft"])
if ($_POST["system"] < 1)
$_POST["system"] = 1;
$system = 1;
elseif ($_POST["system"] == 1)
$_POST["system"] = 1;
$system = 1;
$system = $_POST["system"] - 1;
elseif ($_POST["systemRight"])
if ($_POST["system"] > MAX_SYSTEM_IN_GALAXY OR $_POST["systemRight"] > MAX_SYSTEM_IN_GALAXY)
elseif ($_POST["system"] == MAX_SYSTEM_IN_GALAXY)
$system = $_POST["system"] + 1;
$system = $_POST["system"];
elseif ($mode == 2)
$galaxy = intval($_GET['galaxy']);
$system = intval($_GET['system']);
$planet = intval($_GET['planet']);
elseif ($mode == 3)
$galaxy = intval($_GET['galaxy']);
$system = intval($_GET['system']);
$galaxy = 1;
$system = 1;
if ( ( $CurrentPlanet['system'] != ( $_POST["system"] - 1 ) ) && ( $mode != 0 ) && ( $CurrentPlanet['deuterium'] < 10 ) )
die (message($lang['gl_no_deuterium_to_view_galaxy'], "game.php?page=galaxy&mode=0", 2));
elseif( ( $CurrentPlanet['system'] != ( $_POST["system"] - 1 ) ) && ( $mode != 0 ) )
$QryGalaxyDeuterium = "UPDATE {{table}} SET ";
$QryGalaxyDeuterium .= "`deuterium` = `deuterium` - 10 ";
$QryGalaxyDeuterium .= "WHERE ";
$QryGalaxyDeuterium .= "`id` = '". $CurrentPlanet['id'] ."' ";
$QryGalaxyDeuterium .= "LIMIT 1;";
doquery($QryGalaxyDeuterium, 'planets');
$planetcount = 0;
$lunacount = 0;
$parse = $lang;
$parse['galaxy'] = $galaxy;
$parse['system'] = $system;
$parse['planet'] = $planet;
$parse['currentmip'] = $CurrentMIP;
$parse['maxfleetcount'] = $maxfleet_count;
$parse['fleetmax'] = $fleetmax;
$parse['recyclers'] = pretty_number($CurrentRC);
$parse['spyprobes'] = pretty_number($CurrentSP);
$parse['missile_count'] = sprintf($lang['gl_missil_to_launch'], $CurrentMIP);
$parse['current'] = $_GET['current'];
$parse['current_galaxy'] = $CurrentPlanet["galaxy"];
$parse['current_system'] = $CurrentPlanet["system"];
$parse['current_planet'] = $CurrentPlanet["planet"];
$parse['planet_type'] = $CurrentPlanet["planet_type"];
$page['galaxyscripts'] = $this->InsertGalaxyScripts ($CurrentPlanet);
$page['galaxyselector'] = parsetemplate(gettemplate('galaxy/galaxy_selector'), $parse);
($mode == 2) ? $page['mip'] = parsetemplate(gettemplate('galaxy/galaxy_missile_selector'), $parse) : " ";
$page['galaxytitles'] = parsetemplate(gettemplate('galaxy/galaxy_titles'), $parse);
$page['galaxyrows'] = $this->ShowGalaxyRows ($galaxy, $system, $HavePhalanx, $CurrentGalaxy, $CurrentSystem, $CurrentRC, $CurrentMIP);
$parse['planetcount'] = $planetcount ." ". $lang['gl_populed_planets'];
$page['galaxyfooter'] = parsetemplate(gettemplate('galaxy/galaxy_footer'), $parse);
return display(parsetemplate(gettemplate('galaxy/galaxy_body'), $page), false);
public function __construct($CurrentUser, $CurrentPlanet)
$this->show2D($CurrentUser, $CurrentPlanet);
$this->showNormal($CurrentUser, $CurrentPlanet);
private function InsertGalaxyScripts2D ($CurrentPlanet)
$Script .= "<div style=\"top: 10px;\" id=\"content\">";
$Script .= "<script language=\"JavaScript\">\n";
$Script .= "function galaxy_submit(value) {\n";
$Script .= " document.getElementById('auto').name = value;\n";
$Script .= " document.getElementById('galaxy_form').submit();\n";
$Script .= "}\n\n";
$Script .= "function fenster(target_url,win_name) {\n";
$Script .= " var new_win =,win_name,'resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,menubar=no,toolbar=no,width=640,height=480,top=0,left=0');\n";
$Script .= " new_win.focus();\n";
$Script .= "}\n";
$Script .= "</script>\n";
$Script .= "<script language=\"JavaScript\" src=\"scripts/tw-sack.js\"></script>\n";
$Script .= "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n\n";
$Script .= "var ajax = new sack();\n";
$Script .= "var strInfo = \"\";\n";
$Script .= "function whenResponse () {\n";
$Script .= " retVals = this.response.split(\"|\");\n";
$Script .= " Message = retVals[0];\n";
$Script .= " Infos = retVals[1];\n";
$Script .= " retVals = Infos.split(\" \");\n";
$Script .= " UsedSlots = retVals[0];\n";
$Script .= " SpyProbes = retVals[1];\n";
$Script .= " Recyclers = retVals[2];\n";
$Script .= " Missiles = retVals[3];\n";
$Script .= " retVals = Message.split(\";\");\n";
$Script .= " CmdCode = retVals[0];\n";
$Script .= " strInfo = retVals[1];\n";
$Script .= " addToTable(\"done\", \"success\");\n";
$Script .= " changeSlots( UsedSlots );\n";
$Script .= " setShips(\"probes\", SpyProbes );\n";
$Script .= " setShips(\"recyclers\", Recyclers );\n";
$Script .= " setShips(\"missiles\", Missiles );\n";
$Script .= "}\n\n";
$Script .= "function doit (order, galaxy, system, planet, planettype, shipcount) {\n";
$Script .= " ajax.requestFile = \"FleetAjax.php?action=send\";\n";
$Script .= " ajax.runResponse = whenResponse;\n";
$Script .= " ajax.execute = true;\n\n";
$Script .= " ajax.setVar(\"thisgalaxy\", ". $CurrentPlanet["galaxy"] .");\n";
$Script .= " ajax.setVar(\"thissystem\", ". $CurrentPlanet["system"] .");\n";
$Script .= " ajax.setVar(\"thisplanet\", ". $CurrentPlanet["planet"] .");\n";
$Script .= " ajax.setVar(\"thisplanettype\", ". $CurrentPlanet["planet_type"] .");\n";
$Script .= " ajax.setVar(\"mission\", order);\n";
$Script .= " ajax.setVar(\"galaxy\", galaxy);\n";
$Script .= " ajax.setVar(\"system\", system);\n";
$Script .= " ajax.setVar(\"planet\", planet);\n";
$Script .= " ajax.setVar(\"planettype\", planettype);\n";
$Script .= " if (order == 6)\n";
$Script .= " ajax.setVar(\"ship210\", shipcount);\n";
$Script .= " if (order == 7) {\n";
$Script .= " ajax.setVar(\"ship208\", 1);\n\n";
$Script .= " ajax.setVar(\"ship203\", 2);\n\n";
$Script .= " }\n";
$Script .= " if (order == 8)\n";
$Script .= " ajax.setVar(\"ship209\", shipcount);\n\n";
$Script .= " ajax.runAJAX();\n";
$Script .= "}\n\n";
$Script .= "function addToTable(strDataResult, strClass) {\n";
$Script .= " var e = document.getElementById('fleetstatusrow');\n";
$Script .= " var e2 = document.getElementById('fleetstatustable');\n";
$Script .= " = '';\n";
$Script .= " if(e2.rows.length > 2) {\n";
$Script .= " e2.deleteRow(2);\n";
$Script .= " }\n";
$Script .= " var row = e2.insertRow(0);\n";
$Script .= " var td1 = document.createElement(\"td\");\n";
$Script .= " var td1text = document.createTextNode(strInfo);\n";
$Script .= " td1.appendChild(td1text);\n";
$Script .= " var td2 = document.createElement(\"td\");\n";
$Script .= " var span = document.createElement(\"span\");\n";
$Script .= " var spantext = document.createTextNode(strDataResult);\n";
$Script .= " var spanclass = document.createAttribute(\"class\");\n";
$Script .= " spanclass.nodeValue = strClass;\n";
$Script .= " span.setAttributeNode(spanclass);\n";
$Script .= " span.appendChild(spantext);\n";
$Script .= " td2.appendChild(span);\n";
$Script .= " row.appendChild(td1);\n";
$Script .= " row.appendChild(td2);\n";
$Script .= "}\n\n";
$Script .= "function changeSlots(slotsInUse) {\n";
$Script .= " var e = document.getElementById('slots');\n";
$Script .= " e.innerHTML = slotsInUse;\n";
$Script .= "}\n\n";
$Script .= "function setShips(ship, count) {\n";
$Script .= " var e = document.getElementById(ship);\n";
$Script .= " e.innerHTML = count;\n";
$Script .= "}\n";
$Script .= "</script>\n";
return $Script;
private function ShowGalaxyRows2D($Galaxy, $System, $HavePhalanx, $CurrentGalaxy, $CurrentSystem, $CurrentRC, $CurrentMIP)
global $planetcount, $dpath, $user, $xgp_root, $phpEx, $PlanetRow;
$UserPoints = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE `stat_type` = '1' AND `stat_code` = '1' AND `id_owner` = '". $user['id'] ."';", 'statpoints', true);
$Result = "";
for ($Planet = 1; $Planet < 1+(MAX_PLANET_IN_SYSTEM); $Planet++)
$GalaxyRow = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE `galaxy` = '".$Galaxy."' AND `system` = '".$System."' AND `planet` = '".$Planet."';", 'galaxy', true);
$Result .= "\n";
$Result .= "<tr>";
if ($GalaxyRow)
if ($GalaxyRow["id_planet"] != 0)
$GalaxyRowPlanet = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE `id` = '". $GalaxyRow["id_planet"] ."';", 'planets', true);
if ($GalaxyRowPlanet['destruyed'] != 0 && $GalaxyRowPlanet['id_owner'] != '' && $GalaxyRow["id_planet"] != '')
$this->CheckAbandonPlanetState ($GalaxyRowPlanet);
$GalaxyRowPlayer = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE `id` = '". $GalaxyRowPlanet["id_owner"] ."';", 'users', true);
if ($GalaxyRow["id_luna"] != 0)
$GalaxyRowMoon = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE `id` = '". $GalaxyRow["id_luna"] ."' AND planet_type='3';", 'planets', true);
if ($GalaxyRowMoon["destruyed"] != 0)
$this->CheckAbandonMoonState ($GalaxyRowMoon);
if ($GalaxyRowPlanet['id_owner'] <> 0)
$GalaxyRowUser = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE `id` = '". $GalaxyRowPlanet['id_owner'] ."';", 'users', true);
$GalaxyRowUser = array();
$Result .= $this->GalaxyRowPos ( $GalaxyRow, $Galaxy, $System, $Planet, 1 );
$Result .= $this->GalaxyRowPlanet ( $GalaxyRow, $GalaxyRowPlanet, $GalaxyRowPlayer, $Galaxy, $System, $Planet, 1, $HavePhalanx, $CurrentGalaxy, $CurrentSystem);
$Result .= $this->GalaxyRowPlanetName ( $GalaxyRow, $GalaxyRowPlanet, $GalaxyRowPlayer, $Galaxy, $System, $Planet, 1, $HavePhalanx, $CurrentGalaxy, $CurrentSystem);
$Result .= $this->GalaxyRowMoon ( $GalaxyRow, $GalaxyRowMoon , $GalaxyRowPlayer, $Galaxy, $System, $Planet, 3 );
$Result .= $this->GalaxyRowDebris ( $GalaxyRow, $GalaxyRowPlanet, $GalaxyRowPlayer, $Galaxy, $System, $Planet, 2, $CurrentRC);
$Result .= $this->GalaxyRowUser ( $GalaxyRow, $GalaxyRowPlanet, $GalaxyRowPlayer, $Galaxy, $System, $Planet, 0, $UserPoints );
$Result .= $this->GalaxyRowAlly ( $GalaxyRow, $GalaxyRowPlanet, $GalaxyRowPlayer, $Galaxy, $System, $Planet, 0 );
$Result .= $this->GalaxyRowActions ( $GalaxyRow, $GalaxyRowPlanet, $GalaxyRowPlayer, $Galaxy, $System, $Planet, 0, $CurrentGalaxy, $CurrentSystem, $CurrentMIP);
$Result .= "</tr>";
return $Result;
private function show2D($CurrentUser, $CurrentPlanet){
global $xgp_root, $phpEx, $dpath, $resource, $lang, $planetcount;
$fleetmax = ($CurrentUser['computer_tech'] + 1) + ($CurrentUser['rpg_commandant'] * COMMANDANT);
$CurrentPlID = $CurrentPlanet['id'];
$CurrentMIP = $CurrentPlanet['interplanetary_misil'];
$CurrentRC = $CurrentPlanet['recycler'];
$CurrentSP = $CurrentPlanet['spy_sonde'];
$HavePhalanx = $CurrentPlanet['phalanx'];
$CurrentSystem = $CurrentPlanet['system'];
$CurrentGalaxy = $CurrentPlanet['galaxy'];
$CanDestroy = $CurrentPlanet[$resource[213]] + $CurrentPlanet[$resource[214]];
$maxfleet = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE `fleet_owner` = '". $CurrentUser['id'] ."';", 'fleets');
$maxfleet_count = mysql_num_rows($maxfleet);
$parse = $lang;
$parse['currentmip'] = $CurrentMIP;
$parse['maxfleetcount'] = $maxfleet_count;
$parse['fleetmax'] = $fleetmax;
$parse['recyclers'] = pretty_number($CurrentRC);
$parse['spyprobes'] = pretty_number($CurrentSP);
$parse['missile_count'] = sprintf($lang['gl_missil_to_launch'], $CurrentMIP);
$parse['current'] = $_GET['current'];
$parse['current_galaxy'] = $CurrentPlanet["galaxy"];
$parse['current_system'] = $CurrentPlanet["system"];
$parse['current_planet'] = $CurrentPlanet["planet"];
$parse['planet_type'] = $CurrentPlanet["planet_type"];
$parse['planetcount'] = $planetcount ." ". $lang['gl_populed_planets'];
if (!isset($mode))
if (isset($_GET['mode']))
$mode = intval($_GET['mode']);
$mode = 0;
if ($mode == 0)
$galaxy = $CurrentPlanet['galaxy'];
$system = $CurrentPlanet['system'];
$planet = $CurrentPlanet['planet'];
elseif ($mode == 1)
if (is_numeric($_POST["galaxy"]))
$_POST["galaxy"] = abs($_POST["galaxy"]);
$_POST["galaxy"] = 1;
if (is_numeric($_POST["system"]))
$_POST["system"] = abs($_POST["system"]);
$_POST["system"] = 1;
if ($_POST["galaxy"] > MAX_GALAXY_IN_WORLD)
if ($_POST["system"] > MAX_SYSTEM_IN_GALAXY)
if ($_POST["galaxyLeft"])
if ($_POST["galaxy"] < 1)
$_POST["galaxy"] = 1;
$galaxy = 1;
elseif ($_POST["galaxy"] == 1)
$_POST["galaxy"] = 1;
$galaxy = 1;
$galaxy = $_POST["galaxy"] - 1;
elseif ($_POST["galaxyRight"])
if ($_POST["galaxy"] > MAX_GALAXY_IN_WORLD OR $_POST["galaxyRight"] > MAX_GALAXY_IN_WORLD)
$_POST["galaxyRight"] = MAX_GALAXY_IN_WORLD;
elseif ($_POST["galaxy"] == MAX_GALAXY_IN_WORLD)
$galaxy = $_POST["galaxy"] + 1;
$galaxy = $_POST["galaxy"];
if ($_POST["systemLeft"])
if ($_POST["system"] < 1)
$_POST["system"] = 1;
$system = 1;
elseif ($_POST["system"] == 1)
$_POST["system"] = 1;
$system = 1;
$system = $_POST["system"] - 1;
elseif ($_POST["systemRight"])
if ($_POST["system"] > MAX_SYSTEM_IN_GALAXY OR $_POST["systemRight"] > MAX_SYSTEM_IN_GALAXY)
elseif ($_POST["system"] == MAX_SYSTEM_IN_GALAXY)
$system = $_POST["system"] + 1;
$system = $_POST["system"];
elseif ($mode == 2)
$galaxy = $_GET['galaxy'];
$system = $_GET['system'];
$planet = $_GET['planet'];
$parse['galaxy'] = $galaxy;
$parse['system'] = $system;
$parse['planet'] = $planet;
$parse['missile_count'] = sprintf($lang['gl_missil_to_launch'], $CurrentMIP);
$CurrentPlanetID = $_GET['current'];
message(parsetemplate(gettemplate('galaxy/galaxy_missile_selector'), $parse));
elseif ($mode == 3)
$galaxy = $_GET['galaxy'];
$system = $_GET['system'];
$galaxy = 1;
$system = 1;
if ( ( $CurrentPlanet['system'] != ( $_POST["system"] - 1 ) ) && ( $mode != 0 ) && ( $CurrentPlanet['deuterium'] < 10 ) )
die (message($lang['gl_no_deuterium_to_view_galaxy'], "game.php?page=galaxy&mode=0", 2));
elseif( ( $CurrentPlanet['system'] != ( $_POST["system"] - 1 ) ) && ( $mode != 0 ) )
$QryGalaxyDeuterium = "UPDATE {{table}} SET ";
$QryGalaxyDeuterium .= "`deuterium` = `deuterium` - 10 ";
$QryGalaxyDeuterium .= "WHERE ";
$QryGalaxyDeuterium .= "`id` = '". $CurrentPlanet['id'] ."' ";
$QryGalaxyDeuterium .= "LIMIT 1;";
doquery($QryGalaxyDeuterium, 'planets');
$planetcount = 0;
$lunacount = 0;
$parse['galaxy'] = $galaxy;
$parse['system'] = $system;
$parse['planet'] = $planet;
$parse['planetcount'] = $planetcount ." ". $lang['gl_populed_planets'];
echo $this->InsertGalaxyScripts ( $CurrentPlanet );
echo "<body><br>
<span><b> Sistema Solar</b></span>
echo "<center>";
echo parsetemplate(gettemplate('galaxy/galaxy_selector'), $parse);
echo "</center>";
echo parsetemplate(gettemplate('galaxy/galaxy_footer2d'), $parse);
echo "<table width=569><tbody>";
echo "</center></tbody></table>";
echo "
<div id=\"raum_3\" style=\"z-index: 0; top: 110px; height: 0px;\"><img src=\"styles/images/galaxy/gala2.jpg\" border=\"10\" height=\"600\" width=\"900\"></div>
$e = 0; $f = 1; $g = 1;
$position = array(
"276;577; 347;590; 350;208; 593;590; 444;502; 110;400; 661;351; 725;220; 40;280; 751;483; 300;347; 186;192; 206;540; 494;380; 516;220;",
"350;308; 533;608; 444;472; 37;487; 176;610; 347;570; 641;351; 755;220; 444;320; 546;240; 126;200; 701;483; 240;347; 336;212; 246;500;",
"546;340; 176;597; 347;570; 350;208; 524;220; 533;600; 444;412; 70;530; 246;480; 641;351; 755;220; 106;230; 701;483; 380;347; 236;282;",
"533;428; 444;472; 137;450; 611;351; 755;220; 106;230; 701;483; 380;347; 236;282; 246;500; 584;550; 546;240; 46;607; 347;570; 350;208;",
"350;288; 533;588; 444;472; 36;607; 347;570; 107;450; 641;351; 755;220; 106;200; 701;483; 380;347; 306;232; 246;500; 240;280; 546;240;",
"187;470; 661;351; 755;220; 56;607; 347;570; 350;208; 533;588; 304;472; 546;240; 60;230; 701;503; 340;327; 524;400; 196;282; 166;500;");
$randomquote = mt_rand(0,count($position)-1);
$pos = " . $position[$randomquote] . ";
$count = 1;
while($count < 16)
$missiontime = explode(";", $pos);
$pos1 = $missiontime[ $e ] +50;
$pos2 = $missiontime[ $f ];
echo "<div id=\"$e\" style=\"z-index: 6; position: absolute; left: ".$pos1."px; top: ".$pos2."px; width: 10px; height: 10px; visibility: visible;\">";
$leer = '';$img = '';
$query = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE `galaxy` = '$galaxy' AND `system` = '$system' AND planet = '$count' AND planet_type = '1';", 'planets');
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query)){
$leer = $row['planet'];
$img = $row['image'];
//$planet_name = $row['name'];
$query1 = doquery("SELECT ally_id, ally_name, username, authlevel, onlinetime, id,bana FROM {{table}} WHERE `id` = '".$row['id_owner']."';", 'users');
while($row1 = mysql_fetch_assoc($query1)){
if ($row1['ally_id'] == '0'){$ally = '';} else {
$ally = "Alianza: <a href=game.php?page=alliance&mode=ainfo&a=".$row1['ally_id'].">".$row1['ally_name']."</a><br/>";}
if ($row1['authlevel'] == 3)
{$username = "<font color=red>".$row1['username']."</font>";
$planetname = "<font color=red>".$row['name']."</font>";
} elseif ($row1['urlaubs_modus'] == 1)
{$username = "<font color=skyblue>".$row1['username']."</font>";
$planetname = "<font color=skyblue>".$row['name']."</font>";
} elseif ($row1['onlinetime'] < (time()-60 * 60 * 24 * 7) AND
$row1['onlinetime'] > (time()-60 * 60 * 24 * 28))
{$username = "<font color=#aaaaaa>".$row1['username']."(i)</font>";
$planetname = "<font color=#aaaaaa>".$row['name']."</font>";
} elseif ($row1['onlinetime'] < (time()-60 * 60 * 24 * 28))
{$username = "<font color=#cccccc>".$row1['username']."(Ii)</font>";
$planetname = "<font color=#cccccc>".$row['name']."</font>";
} elseif ($row1['bana'] == 1)
{$username = "<font color=line-through>".$row1['username']."</font>";
$planet_name = "<font color=line-through>".$row['name']."</font>";
} else {$username = "<font color=limegreen>".$row1['username']."</font>";
$planetname = "<font color=limegreen>".$row['name']."</font>";
if ($row1['id'] != $user['id'])
{$buddy ="<a href=game.php?page=buddy&mode=2&u=16".$row['id_owner']."&u=".$row['id_owner']."><font color=blue>Amigos ?</a><br></font>";} else {$buddy ='';}
if ($row1['id'] != $user['id'])
{$mail ="<a href=game.php?page=messages&mode=write&id=".$row['id_owner']."><font color=red>MP</a><br></font>";} else {$mail ='';}
$query2 = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE `galaxy` = '$galaxy' AND `system` = '$system' AND planet = '$g' Limit 1;", 'galaxy');
while($row2 = mysql_fetch_assoc($query2)){
if ($row2['id_luna'] != '0'){$mond = "<font color=yellow>Luna : Sí</font><br><a href=game.php?page=fleet&galaxy=$galaxy&system=$system&planet=$count&planettype=3&target_mission=9><font color=red>Destrucción de luna</font></a><br>";}else{$mond = "<font color=yellow>Luna: no</font><br>";}
if ($row2['id_luna'] != '0'){$mond1 = 1;}else{$mond1 = 0;}
if ($row2['metal'] == '0' || $row2['crystal'] == '0') {
$tr = "";
}else {
$galaxy = $row2['galaxy'];
$tr = "<a style=\"cursor: crosshair;\" onmouseover='return overlib(\"<table width=150><tr><td class=c colspan=2> TF: <br> Metal: ".$row2['metal']." <br>cristal: ".$row2['crystal']." </th></tr><a href=game.php?page=fleet&galaxy=$galaxy&system=$system&planet=$count&planettype=2&target_mission=8>Recolectar</a></th></tr></table>\", STICKY, MOUSEOFF, DELAY, 100, CENTER, OFFSETX, -100, OFFSETY, -100 );' onmouseout='return nd();'><img src=styles/images/galaxy/debris.gif>";
echo "<th width=30><a style=\"cursor: crosshair;\" onmouseover='return overlib(\" <table width=250><tr><td class=c colspan=2>Planeta ".$row['name']." [".$row['galaxy'].":".$row['system'].":".$row['planet']."]</td></tr><tr><th width=80><img src=styles/images/galaxy/sp".$g.".gif height=75 width=75 /></th><th align=left>Pos. ".$row['planet']."<br>Nombre: ".$row['name']."<br> Propietario: <a href=stat.php?who=player&start=".$row['id_owner']." title=Statistik alt=Statistik> $username </a><br>$mond $ally $buddy $mail<hr><a href=game.php?page=fleet&galaxy=$galaxy&system=$system&planet=$count&planettype=1&target_mission=4>Espiar</a><br /><a href=# onclick=javascript:doit(6, $galaxy, $system, $g, 1, ".$user['spy_sonde'].");>Espiar Rápido</a><br /><a href=game.php?page=fleet&galaxy=$galaxy&system=$system&planet=$count&planettype=1&target_mission=3>Transportar</a><br/><a href=game.php?page=fleet&galaxy=$galaxy&system=$system&planet=$count&planettype=1&target_mission=1>Atacar</a><br /><a href=game.php?page=galaxy&mode=2&galaxy=$galaxy&system=$system&planet=$count&planettype=1>Mísil</a></th></tr> </table>\",STICKY, MOUSEOFF, DELAY, 100, CENTER, OFFSETX, -100, OFFSETY, -150 );' onmouseout='return nd();'>";}
if ($leer ==''){
echo "<th width=30><a style=\"cursor: crosshair;\" onmouseover='return overlib(\" <table width=250><tr><td class=c colspan=2><center>Der Planet ist noch nicht <br>besiedelt [$galaxy : $system : $count]</center></td></tr> <th align=left><hr><a href=game.php?page=fleet&galaxy=$galaxy&system=$system&planet=$count&planettype=1&target_mission=7>Conquistar</a></th></tr> </table>\",STICKY, MOUSEOFF, DELAY, 100, CENTER, OFFSETX, -100, OFFSETY, -150 );' onmouseout='return nd();'>";
if ($img != '') {
echo "$username $ally <a href=# onclick='javascript:doit(6, $galaxy, $system, $g, 1, ".$user['spy_sonde'].");'><img src=styles/images/galaxy/sp".$g.".gif height=\"30\" width=\"30\">($planetname)$count</a><table width=\"100\" height=\"50\"><p><a href=# onclick='javascript:doit(6, $galaxy, $system, $g, 3, ".$user["spy_sonde"].");'><img src=styles/images/galaxy/mond".$mond1.".gif>".$tr."<p></a></td></tr></table></div>";
} else {
echo"<a href=game.php?page=fleet&galaxy=$galaxy&system=$system&planet=$count&planettype=1&target_mission=7><img src=styles/images/galaxy/sp".$g.".gif height=\"40\" width=\"40\">(Planeta Libre)$count</a></th></div>";}
echo "<div id=\"99\" style=\" position: absolute; left: 20px; top: 170px; width: 20px; height: 10px;\"><a href=game.php?page=fleet&galaxy=$galaxy&system=$system&planet=16&planettype=1&target_mission=15><img src=styles/images/galaxy/wurmloch.png height=\"30\" width=\"30\">Espacio Infinito</a></th></div>";
$e++;$e++; $f++; $f++; $g++;
echo "<div id=\"99\" style=\" left: 600px; top: 20px; width: 1000px; height: 10px;\"><center><tbody>";
echo "</center></tbody></table></div></div>";
display ($page, false);
Ajout de la fonction Mippage par Ligmas de
Si quelqu'un aurait une solution ou des conseils je suis preneur Car je suis bloquer en ce moment.
RE: Création d'une carte pour mon jeux. - Thêta Tau Tau - 26-02-2013
Commence déjà par séparer ton php, html et javascript en trois fichiers et à commenter ton code, ça sera plus compréhensible pour toi comme pour nous. Et si possible ne poste pas tout ton code mais que ce qui te pose problème (ou met le en évidence).
Pourrais tu préciser ta question aussi, pour qu'on puisse savoir de quoi il s'agit sans avoir lu le code?
Par exemple veux tu générer la carte sous la forme d'un tableau (table tr td), sous la forme d'une image, d'un svg?. Comment sont représentées les données?
RE: Création d'une carte pour mon jeux. - Xenos - 26-02-2013
J'approuve θττ
J'ajouterai également:
- il existe une balise bbcode "code=php" pour les codes en php, cela améliorera la lisibilité du code en ajoutant de la coloration syntaxique
- rien n'empêche une commande php de s'étaler sur plusieurs lignes:
$script .= "<script> <!-- language n'est plus un attribut html5, il n'est pas utile -->
var blabla =...
// code javascript qui continue
"; // fin de la commande php
- Les "unset" sont souvent inutiles en php; si la variable "$truc" est écrasée, précéder le "$truc =..." d'un "unset($truc)" n'est pas nécessaire
- Tu sembles partis pour mélanger allègrement javascript, php et html... je te conseillerai de bien les séparer comme l'a dit θττ, mais également, de ne pas utiliser du javascript à tort: n'insère pas des balises "script" après chaque case pour afficher cette case, mais insère une balise script à la fin de la carte (après la balise fermant le contenu de la carte par exemple) qui gèrera toute la carte (ce sera plus léger à lire, à exécuter, à entretenir et également un peu plus propre)
RE: Création d'une carte pour mon jeux. - Ducky_Duck - 27-02-2013
D'accord, merci beaucoup en tous cas je vais faire avec vos conseils et essayer de me débrouiller pour faire ça proprement